Lack of Sleep Leads to More Than Just Drowsiness

Not getting enough sleep each night can lead to much more than irritability and sleepiness. Sleep plays an integral part on our daily wellbeing and getting enough of it allows us to remain happier, more ready to learn, regulate our metabolism, as well as regulate blood pressure. The more serious side effects of not sleeping enough are obesity, diabetes, depression, and heart disease.

Research has shown that getting at least 7 hours of sleep and maintaining healthy eating and exercise habits can lower the risk of heart disease by up to 65 percent. In addition, a study also found that people who sleep less than six hours each night were at higher risk to suffer a stroke. Irregular sleep patterns have been shown to raise sugar levels in the blood and slow the body’s metabolism rates, which up to chances for diabetes and obesity.

Not only does prolonged lack of sleep affect someone physically, it can also affect you mentally. People suffering from chronic lack of sleep may be suffering from a mood disorder such as anxiety or depression. According to a recent study, brain imaging has suggested that not getting enough sleep can increase activity in the brain’s emotional centers.

Nowadays, finding the time to get the adequate amount of sleep could be difficult, but most be done to ensure happier and healthier lives!