Possible Age-Reversing Protein?

Ever want to reverse time? In the past there was no remote possibility, but now researchers at Harvard University may be onto something. They have recently discovered a protein, GDF-11, that can possibly reverse an aging heart in only thirty days. This has the potential of curing many different heart diseases that could have relation to aging, such as a diastolic heart failure, which is one of the most common heart failure diseases; sadly there is no cure at the moment.
Although researchers have only tested on mice, Amy Wagers, the study’s author and a professor of stem cell and regenerative biology at Harvard University, has said in an interview following the discovery, “We’ve developed this potentially broadly-acting rejuvenative protein and we are excited to understand its potential in humans.”

When just beginning the experiment, the researchers were searching for the source(s) that more or less controlled the body’s tissues. Once they had found that the protein was GDF-11, they wanted to test the effects it had on the cardiovascular system and its aging process. The team injected mice with the protein, and proceeded with close examination. By the thirtieth day, there were visible differences, specifically the vascular walls that seemed to be thinner.
Although clinical trials won’t be up and running for at least five years or so, because of more necessary research, this is already a helpful advancement. Rather than using stem cells for cardiac repair surgery, this simple injection is circulated through the blood system. “We hope that by providing this protein, we could reverse that heart enlargement and that would have a benefit to the many patients who have this form of heart disease,” said Wagers.