Safe Home for Seniors

When it comes to making a home safe for an elderly person, there are many ways to make it happen. For one, it’s important to have a clear idea about what you need in terms of modifications. Many seniors need to have some sort of change made to their existing home environment in order to continue living in the home safely. With a little bit of foresight, a house can easily be converted to accommodate a wide range of specific senior needs.

If you can work with a partner, it might be a good idea to sit down and make a list of the three top safety concerns for your elderly family member. With two minds working together, the chances of coming up with a great modification plan are increased. There are several options to consider when creating a functional modification plan, and your senior family member will be able to navigate his or her home without worrying about potential safety issues. At Prestige Home Care Agency, we understand that you want your family member to be safe inside his or her home. We offer a wide range of services and ideas for those who are in need.

One of the first ideas for creating a safe senior home is expanding the doorways so that they are all at least thirty-six inches wide. A wider doorway area makes for easier navigation between rooms. Another idea for creating a safe senior home is to install level door handles and rocker light switches that will make it easier for your loved one to both open doors and turn on lights. One more idea that will aid in your senior’s daily living is to replace existing cabinet and drawer handles with C and D shaped handles for easier opening and closing. Families can even include a personal ER system, and at Prestige Home Care Agency, we can help you get one installed.

In the bathroom, you can install grab-bars on the wall and inside the shower. Oftentimes, these bars look just like towel-racks, so they aren’t intrusive or obvious. Another idea for the bathroom is to install a built-in shower. Your senior’s shower can be converted from a safety hazard into a real-life spa. There are several options when it comes to creating a safe living space for seniors of all ages. With just a little bit of creativity and planning, you can help make a comfortable and safe living space for that special someone in your life.