Spring and Summer Activities for Seniors and Caregivers

Are you wondering what kind of spring and summer activities might be suitable for a senior or a caregiver? At Prestige Home Care Agency, we help families and their loved ones get the right assistance that they need to lead healthy and productive lives. We know that caring for a loved one can sometimes be challenging, so we do whatever we can to provide patients and families with helpful tips and information.

At Prestige Home Care Agency, we work hard to provide as much information as possible. If you have a loved one or an elderly family member who wants to enjoy his or her free time this spring and summer, then Prestige Home Care Agency has a few ideas to help you get started.

• Get outside.
One of the main benefits to getting outdoors is the ability to get some sunshine. Sun exposure is great for getting vitamin D. You might not know it, but vitamin D is necessary for healthy bones, brains and muscles. Many doctors even prescribe sunlight to their patients as a way for them to get vitamin D. Research indicates that proper vitamin D levels can enhance mood and improve cognitive function. Being outside also has other advantages, too. It allows you to socialize and relax, which is a great way to spend time as a senior.

• Go to a sports event.
Attending a grandchild’s sporting event, such as a baseball game or a soccer game is a great way to connect with loved ones and to enjoy socializing, as well. If your loved one has a particular sport that he or she loves, then focus on finding a place that you can attend as a group. Spending an action-packed afternoon together can be just the right activity to get everyone smiling and having fun.

• Try some fishing.
Fishing is a great way to spend a few hours with a loved one. All you need to do is find a location, then cast a rod and wait for them to bite. Many local fishing holes even have wheelchair accessible options and will make special accommodations if necessary.

• Visit the city.
Even if you live outside of the city, it’s easy to schedule an open-air bus tour or trolley ride to catch some new sights. Many cities even offer boat tours which might appeal to your loved one. Sometimes even just a simple Sunday drive is enough to bring a breath of fresh air into someone’s life.